Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Today I'm going to ramble on about awesome stuff and then I'm gonna do something special for my story!

First awesome thing, Does anyone know who Vic Mignogna is? Well, for those of you who don't, he is only the best voice actor EVER!!!!! He's done voices in a lot of my favorite animes! Anyway, I emailed him a few weeks ago and he emailed me back!!! He was so nice! He said that he was really glad that I was enjoying his work and that there's an anime convention in Denver that he's sometimes a guest at! I really want to go and meet him some time!!!! (Me: *FAN GIRL ATTACK*)

Second awesome thing, my website is now officially part of  HerInteractive's 'More Nancy Drew' section on their website!!! YAY!!! It's so cool! I know I've said this before but last time something happened and it didn't make it. This time it's official!!! I saw it!!! It's just sooooo cool!

Third thing (this is actually more creepy than awesome....), like a week ago I got a text from some random number saying that I won a $1000 shopping spree at Best Buy. Weird thing was that I had never given Best Buy my number or signed up for anything... weird, right?!?! I instantly deleted the text. I just felt like sharing that.... haha!

And finally for the special thing that I'm doing to go with my story!! (I know that sounds weird but I really couldn't think of another way to say it.... haha!) *drum roll* *still drum roll...* *still continuing the drum roll* *wow, really? when is this gonna end!!?!!*  It's the list of common superstitions  in Japan list that I mentioned in the last chapter!!! YAY!!!! (I hope... haha!) So, here it is:

When on the search for ghosts, you'll want to make sure you don't call in any additional bad luck. Here are 13 Japanese superstitions to be aware of:

1.The number 4 is pronounced shi, the same as the word for death and is considered very unlucky. As a result, many hotels do not have a room #4 or a fourth floor.

2.The number 9 and the word pain also share the pronunciation ku. Though not as unlucky as 4, 9 is still frequently skipped in numbering rooms or floors in hospitals.

3. Whistling at night will attract snakes.

4.Avoid sticking chopsticks upright into a bowl of rice as this is traditionally part of the funeral ritual.

5. Don't sleep with your head pointing north.

6. Breaking a comb or the strap of your geta sandal will bring bad luck.

7. Never write another person's name in red ink - something bad will happen to them.

8. Seeing a spider in the morning is good luck, but seeing one at night is bad.

9. Badgers, not cats, are considered unlucky because they wear masks to hide their eyes.

10. If you lie down immediately after eating, you'll turn into a cow.

11. Hide your thumb if a funeral car passes you.

12. Blood type influences one's personality.

13. Never pass food from chopstick to chopstick - this is another funeral ritual.

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