Friday, February 3, 2012

Hi everyone! It's snowing here!!! YAY!!!! Take that weather man who didn't think there was anyway the snow was gonna stick!! Haha! We have a bunch of snow outside, it's awesome! This chapter is interesting; we get to talk to Savannah. I was hoping something would happen as I walked aroud the ryokan but nothing happend and I'm following what happens in the game. I could have changed it but it would have been a real big hassle later on. Oh well, maybe next chapter. (Actually I kind of doubt that because I think we're just gonna spend next chapter continuing our talk with Savannah.) I'm still trying out writing more of the dialouge myself. So you guys think that's better? Let me know! Enjoy it! =D

Chapter 14

I headed up to my room; I didn’t want anyone to hear me talking to Savannah. When I took out my phone, it rang. It was another cool picture from Yumi, this time of Bess and George! After seeing that I called Savannah.

“Hello.” answered someone with a heavy southern accent.

“Hi, is this Savannah Woodam?” I asked.

“Let me guess. You’re that Nancy girl whose been driving’ my assistant crazy lately.”

“Well, I wouldn’t say that but… yes.”

“What’s so important that you had to ruin my perfectly good assistant? Since you started calling talking to him has been like talking to a rock… a rock that I pay too much money.”

“I’m at the Ryokan Hiei and some really strange stuff is going on. Could you tell me anything about it?”

“Is this a joke? It’s not funny.”

“No, I promise. I saw your book and thought maybe you help me figure out what’s going on here.”

“Honey, whoever you are, my best advice to you is to pack your bags and head back to wherever it is you came from.”

“I’m not leaving until I find out what’s really going on here.”

“Is there any way I can change your mind?”

“No. I’m gonna get to the bottom of this with or without you… I could really use your help though.”

“I left there before I could finish the chapter about it like I was supposed to. Between us, I’m glad of that. You getting anything out of the family?”

“Nothing real useful”

“Uh-huh. Tell you what. You end up following through with this bad idea of yours of staying at the ryokan, I’ll help you as much as I can. Nancy…”


“You’d better be careful now. You understand me?” she asked me.

“I’ll be careful,” I promised her, “Do you know where I could get a copy of your book?”

“I’m guessing you’re looking for the ghost hunting book I wrote. I can’t help you there. I’m outta copies myself. To be honest Nancy, I don’t mind helping you but this ghost thing is a phase I’d sooner put behind me.”

“Why’s that?”

“Now, don’t you worry about that now, just a choice I made.”

“There must be some reason. I understand you were pretty well known.”

“Put it this way Nancy. There are some jobs were being well known leads to a dangerous life. Sometimes it’s smart to move on.”

For those of us who still had school despite the snow...

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