Thursday, March 29, 2012

Hey everyone! I'm sorry I haven't posted the rest of that chapter, I've been so busy... You're probly expecting the rest of that chapter, huh? I'm sorry but I don't have it. I was working on the puzzle today and I kept messing up but I'll get it soon! In the mean time, I have some other cool stuff to talk about! YAY!!!

I'm sure many of you have seen this video but it's awesome! It's a video of Little Jackalope demonstrating the "magic mug" It's so cool, I want one! =D
I love Little Jackalope, her laugh is so cute! =D

So if you read this blog a lot you've probly heard of Marissa who runs the Nancy Drew Forever Fan Page on Facebook. She's has contests on fb every once in a while and she just posted about her next one. It's a contest on the best photos based off of a ND game! She's had contests with drawing and editing and stuff like that, that I'm terrible at. I'm excited because I'm a photographer (not professional)  so this is right up my ally! If I get the time I'm going to take some awesome pics and blow her mind! I'm so excited! =D

Well, that's all my exciting news, hope you enjoyed it!
~Sarah =D

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hi everyone! I finally stopped being lazy and wrote a chapter for my story. That wasn't the greatest idea... It turns out the next thing I have to do in the game is solve the monster puzzle. I've everything else. That puzzle takes a while and I wanted to post something today. But I promise you that I will finish that puzzle today and finish this chapter tomorrow! A two part chapter.... haven't had that before! Interesting! One more thing before I stop rambling (And I hope this makes up for my epic fail here.) The cover of TMB was released a couple of days ago! YAY!!! Enjoy! =D

Chapter 25 part 1

           I left to go up to my and when I passed the front desk, Miwako called me over and gave me a package.

           "Thanks!" I said and headed back upstairs.

            I opened the package and saw that it was the monster puzzle from George. It turned out that a monster puzzle is five Sudoku all mashed together. Great... I thought... this'll be a piece of cake, not.

Here's the cover isn't it awesome! Btw it wouldn't let me copy and past so I had to write it out on here so sorry if I messed something up.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hi! Sorry it's been so long. I actually don't have a chapter for you today. The next day I have a lot of free time I'm gonna sit down and write a bunch of chapters!!!!!! Anyways, HerInteractive has been releasing a lot of cool new info! They have a new still for the new game coming out fairly soon and.... they just released pictures of a new user interface!!!!! Btw, if you have no idea what that is, don't feel bad.... I didn't either until I looked at the pictures, haha! =D

The new main screen:

I'm hoping one of the extras is the scrap book! That was always my favorite part of being able to see her room! This screen is really cool but some people really liked looking at the books so we'll have to wait and see how this turns out.

Now my computer is being weird and makes everything I type start in the middle.... not sure how I feel about it.... Anyways, the new difficulty level screen:

 This is cool. It makes me think of the dossier games... I'm not entirely sure why. Honestly, I miss the badges but this is very artsy and I think it's really cool! =D

I don't know how to fix this typing thing! Oh well...... The new options screen:

I love this change! The old options screen (honestly) was simple and kind of bland but this one is really cute, fancy, and just fun! =D

In the last picture you may have also noticed the inventory at the bottom of the screen. All of the items are from the Curse of Blackmoor Manor, haha! I hope this new game is really good and all the changes end up being liked by all of the Nancy Drew fans out there. I've noticed that some are very skeptical of them. I don't blame them, I was very shocked when I first saw this but I'm excited for the change! 

Her has also created a merchandise store on their website! It's really cool, you should check it out! They don't have Koko Kringle bars... yet! 

Here is the screen shot from the game. And with it, I bid you farewell. .... yeah, I'm not going to ever say that again. I made myself think 'what the heck?!' so.... yeah. Bye, I'll try to post again tomorrow! 

~Sarah =D

This is a note at the bottom of the page.