Tuesday, June 28, 2011


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! (excited, not angry!) I just got The Captive Curse from Best Buy! It is installing as we, uhhh, I ... type... YAY!! Thank you awesome Best Buy dude who helped me get the game! Thank you mom for driving to 2 Best Buys so I could get this game! Thank you HerInteractive for making my reason to thank all of the other people! THANK YOU AWESOME PEOPLE OF THE WORLD!!!!

I think I shall go play my awesomeus game!!

~Sarah =D

Actually the installing 'slideshow' is only on Danger by Design so I shall type random things while I wait. (You can skip this part of this post if you want to...)

lalalalalalalalalalalalalala Castle Malloy! lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala
ALMOST DONE! lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala
lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala There's a a pretty bird outside my window! lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala!

YAY! It's ready for solving! If you read every single la I'm very impressed! Yes, I have had lots of sugar today! A mystery needs solving! A monster needs catching! I'm off! =D

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I got a hamster today!!!! HE is the cutest thing IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!! He's a roborovski hamster! (My computer makes roborovski as wrong. lol!) He is ADORABLE!!!  He's kind of scared of my hand but after a few days I'm sure he'll be fine. I took him out of the little box and he jumped ff my hand and I had to catch him like 3 times before I got him in the cage! It was funny! I LOVE HIM!!!

~Sarah <3

Haha! I almost forgot to put this up here! His name is Turbo cuz he is sooo fast! =D

Monday, June 20, 2011

In Love With the World

Hi! I found another walkthrough and it goes farther then arglefumphs so far but it still has to be finished. It's by this awesome girl on youtube called shortsillynerdgirl! I love her videos! We get pretty up close with the monster and that kid pulls a stupid and cruel prank. Thanks to Nancy though he doesn't get far!

I have an awesome aunt who has traveled to a lot of differnt countries! She sent me a bunch of stuff! She sent a purse that is half purse half cute yorkie puppy stuffed animal! (I can't imagine an occasion where I would use that but I'm determined to find one!)  An awesome Paris t-shirt, a Paris pen (It's such a cool pen!), A book of pictures of cats which I think is from Japan, an Eiffel Tower key chain, and awesome kitty toe socks! (I'll have to post a pic some time.) I love all of my special stuff! Love you aunt Liz! <3


~Sarah =D


As you can tell from the title I am FREAKING OUT!!! Arglefumph (Michael Grey) is gone until Saturday! You might be thinking I'm crazy but this is sadness for all of you to! This means that there might not be any more   Captive Curse updates until Saturday! (At least!) I;m looking for another walkthrough so I hope I can get more updates! Cross your fingers!

~Sarah =l (Cute "smiley" face, right?!)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

I was very, very bad...

So I said that if I found A walkthrough for The Captive Curse I would read it beacause you guys deserve the full scoop, right? Well... I found something better! A video walkthrough by Arglefumph! If you are the type who doesn't think you should use hints or a walkthrough or anything like that maybe you shouldn't read this post... I watched the videos! He only has 6 of them up but there should be more soon. Don't be mad I just REALLY wanted to know...

New info on CAP!
Nancy's cell phone changed! We haven't got much of a chance to use it yet because the reception is AWFUL. The old guy, Karl likes dolls and thinks that german games are the best games... We not only have to play games with the little kid but he pulls pranks on us as well! The air line lost Nancy's luggage AGAIN! We have a maze! In the words of all of those who have played Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake, dang it! We alos get something else from Ghost Dogd! A fire! Something that has NEVER happened in the history of Nancy Drew games! A fight with Ned! I think Ned had made plans for a trip with Nancy or something... =(

We find a note in Karl's office and find something very interesting... The note says,

       Nien, du hast Keine andere Wahl. Du musst den Anwelsungren Folge leisten -  sonst...

Google Translate.

       No, you have no other choice. You must obey the instructions - else...

Game translate.

      No, you don't have a choice. Follow the orders given to you - or else.


My comment, "interesting..."

Auf wiedersehen!

~Sarah =D

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Nancy Drew 25!!!

So I don't have The Captive Curse but I do have information! I've been cheating for you guys and looking at second chances and easter eggs and stuff like that. I haven't been able to find a walkthrough but I'm looking cuz you guys have to have the inside scoop! I'm still sorry that I didn't pre-order it. Ready for the information? If you don't want to have anything spoiled for you then perhaps you should skip this part... I'm gonna try to be subtle and not give away to much.

We're DEFINITELY going to be doing some snooping and we're gonna have to be very, very careful... I'll give you a hint why. zZ zZ zZ...  There's going to be a furnace, and it's HOT! It's a TRAP!!! We're gonna be playing with some pointy gate... better be careful! We have another game with a kid! We have to play with this one to and (hehe) we have to (MEGA SPOILER!!!) save him at the end! We have to identify the culprit, Nancy is not going to tell us... We are going to have a run in with that mysterious necklace... *awesome, mysterious music*

I'm done talking about game 24. How about we talk about  #25, sound good?

We've gotten what we all wanted! A game in River Heights!  It's called Alibi in Ashes. As I hear it, we have to help Nancy keep her ace detective status when something at a fire station goes TERRIBLY wrong!

Owl City still rocks!!!

~Sarah =D

Friday, June 17, 2011

Only One Murder?!?!

I got Owl City's new album today! It is awesome!!! I LOVE it!!!!!! I e-mailed Adam Young today and I hope he answers!! That would be like the coolest thing ever! It would actually be cooler if he followed my blog!! That would be the COOLEST thing ever!!!! I'm actually listening to him right now! I love the song: Plant Life! It is probably my favorite of his but it's so hard to tell!

So, obviously Adam has nothing to do with murder so what in the world is my main subject today? Nancy Drew! So everyone always says that Secrets Can Kill (Original and Remastered) is the only Nancy Drew game that has a murder in it. I have to object! #17 Legend of the Crystal Skull has a murder. It was an accidental one but it still counts. We didn't go there to solve a murder but, ultimately, that's what we ended up doing. and then we have The Captive Curse. We don't know exactly what is going on yet but we know there must have been a murder of a young lady and we must keep Nancy from meeting the same fate...

I love you Owl City!!!! <3

~Sarah =D

That took me so long to type cuz I was singing Dreams Don't Turn to Dust! Haha!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Yesterday was the last day of pre-orders for The Captive Curse! I have a surprise and it's not a good one. I didn't get it! They didn't have it on Amazon and my parents didn't want to make an account with HER Interactive. =( Well at least it comes out in stores really soon! June 28th! YAY!!!

So if you are a fan of OWL CITY (Adam Young) then you will LOVE this news! On the 14th his new album, All Things Bright and Beautiful, came out on iTunes! It is an awesome album! I love it!

Has anyone here seen Pirates of the Caribbean: 4? I haven't! I really want to though... it looks sooo good and I've heard great things about it! Until about 2 weeks ago I hadn't seen numbers 2 and 3 so I made my bro bring them over and we watched them. Those are great movies!

I've got a jar of dirt! I've got a jar of dirt!

~Sarah =D

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

HER Interactive, this is for you.

I am currently in a "battle" with HER Interactive. (Whether they know it or not I'm not sure. haha!) They have decided not to release a demo or mini game (and apparently character profiles!) for The Captive Curse. I personally think this is a huge mistake on their part.

A DEMO of a game is like a sample at an ice cream shop!  You're not sure whether you'll like the raspberry mango gelato so you get a taste of it. If you like it the shop makes a sale, if you didn't you try another or maybe you just leave. HER I'm saying that you could make more sales because curiosity might get the best of the customer or you could lose sales because the customer might say "If I can't taste it then I don't want to waste my money on it." or "I'll just go to someone else."

On to the next point MINI GAME. A mini game is for someone who just wants the tinniest bit of a sip of this miraculous soda. (Really on a junk food high here, huh!) They don't even want to know what it tastes like, they just want something because they are thirsty! They want to know that there is something there to quench they're thirst when they come home. They want reassurance!

3rd point! CHARACTER PROFILES! When you go to a restaurant you look at the menu, the different delectable dishes there before you order. You don't just walk in and say "I want fettuccine alfredo  and a coke." You don't go to solve a mystery without learning at least the tinniest bit about your suspects! You want to know what you're eating, who you're dealing with.

I heard the reason you didn't provide these pieces of the puzzle is because some people thought the demos give away to much. First of all, there was nothing about the others in that complaint, just the demo. Second of all, no one is forcing anyone to download the demo, play the mini game, and read the character profiles. I posted a much shorter version of this on Face Book and some one commented, and I quote, "I completely agree! I'm not excited for CAP anymore. I feel like we are being punished for some reason" Do you want your customers, the Nancy Drew fans, to feel this way? I don't want you to feel like I'm trying to offend you or blackmail you or anything but this makes me sad and upset because I have been a Nancy Drew fan all my life and I look forward to these things as soon as I see the trailer at the end one of the games. I hope that you read this and reconsider your decision.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Pick One!!!

I know I'm probably driving all of you crazy with all of this bird talk but I'm gonna talk about it anyway! I've been reading A New Owner's Guide to Lovebirds by Nikki Moustaki and It has got to be the best book on Lovebirds ever! She  talks about the history of the birds, basic care, breeding, showing, EVERYTHING!! It's awesome! I would suggest looking her up if you are considering getting any kind of pet. Her website is www.goodbird.com It's a great site!

So, yeah my dad still doesn't want a bird. It would be be in my room and he wouldn't even have to see it! Hear it however I cannot promise... I think he's fighting for no reason. He didn't like Wolf, my hamster, at first but soon came to love the little guy, (Not sure were I got the word love from that relationship... He didn't hate him...) I gotta tell you all what happened when I got Wolf! It's a hilarious story! (I think!)

My dad was gone on a business trip and I really wanted a pet. I talked to my mom and she said that I should start with an easier pet so  I decided on a hamster. I started doing extra things around the house and searching the furniture for change. Soon I had enough so I went to Petsmart and picked out the shy little hamster hiding behind the little purple house. They had me put my hand by him to see if he would bite me and he didn't. I was so happy! We got home and I set up the cage and put him in there and watched him on little squeaky wheel. He was just adorable! I went downstairs and heard my mom talking on the phone to my dad. She told him that I got a hamster. His response: "I'm gonna call you back." *click*. I was worried that he was gonna make me get rid of my little fluffy friend but he didn't. It took him a while to get used to him but soon my dad was amused when Wolf would run around in his hamster ball.

Back to my birdie! I told my parents that I could by a bird or THEY could buy me a dog (I've given up on cats because my mom had a traumatizing experience with her sister's cat when she was little.) and they actually started disscussing getting a dog!!! Then my dad said "We're not getting another dog." I wonder if he's realized the other end of that or maybe he just has selective hearing when I talk about birds... Well I've decided that I'm getting a bird do I'm gonna do JUST THAT!!!

Have you pre-ordered The Captive Curse? Well you should!! When you pre-order you get the special edition! it has a few extra fun things! In Shadow at the Water's Edge there were games on Nancy's phone and an extra award that you can win in the end! Order it NOW!!

Whales rule!

~Sarah =D

Thursday, June 2, 2011

I'm Taking It as a Yes!

Hello all you awesome people out there! I'm so happy and excited! The Captive Curse is out for pre-orders! If you haven't pre-ordered it yet then you should! I'm apparently telling myself that because I haven't pre-ordered it yet. I'm still paying my mom back for the Ds... I think I was getting on her nerves talking about it all the time... Like I've said before It's my excitement and I can use it on whatever I want to! I'm also super excited because I'm going to get a green parakeet and name it Loulou! Every time I ask my dad he makes jokes about eating it. (Don't worry, he wouldn't actually do it. He won't eat our dog either...) It seems like a no but I didn't hear that word and in all of his joke I own a bird so I'm getting a bird!

We're having our fence replaced so we can't let the dog out and it's making him go crazy! Now he can see all of the dogs pass by and he wants to go them! He's started howling at night... Not sure why but he has...

I'm going to go clean my room so I can see my friend tomorrow! I hate cleaning...

The Good News: You get to see another one of these funny good thing, bad things!
The Bad New: I can't think of anything funny!

~Sarah =D

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Do You Dare to Play THe Captive Curse?

 The Captive Curse
A girl running for her life. A victim already killed. Another gruesome chapter being written of a long horror story. A terrifying beast. An evil curse.
These are all key elements from HerInteractive’s next game, The Captive Curse.
Will this a be a gruesome game? More so then Secrets Can Kill? Minor questions if you ask me. The real mystery is what is this monster terrorizing these poor, helpless people? Will this beast come after Nancy?
Is it a scientist with anger issues? A boy skilled with mechanics and shadow puppets? A woman who thinks an object of legend is destined to be hers? Or is it possible that there really is a curse that has brought a horrific beast with it?
                        There’s only one way to find out. Do you dare to play, The Captive Curse?