Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Pick One!!!

I know I'm probably driving all of you crazy with all of this bird talk but I'm gonna talk about it anyway! I've been reading A New Owner's Guide to Lovebirds by Nikki Moustaki and It has got to be the best book on Lovebirds ever! She  talks about the history of the birds, basic care, breeding, showing, EVERYTHING!! It's awesome! I would suggest looking her up if you are considering getting any kind of pet. Her website is www.goodbird.com It's a great site!

So, yeah my dad still doesn't want a bird. It would be be in my room and he wouldn't even have to see it! Hear it however I cannot promise... I think he's fighting for no reason. He didn't like Wolf, my hamster, at first but soon came to love the little guy, (Not sure were I got the word love from that relationship... He didn't hate him...) I gotta tell you all what happened when I got Wolf! It's a hilarious story! (I think!)

My dad was gone on a business trip and I really wanted a pet. I talked to my mom and she said that I should start with an easier pet so  I decided on a hamster. I started doing extra things around the house and searching the furniture for change. Soon I had enough so I went to Petsmart and picked out the shy little hamster hiding behind the little purple house. They had me put my hand by him to see if he would bite me and he didn't. I was so happy! We got home and I set up the cage and put him in there and watched him on little squeaky wheel. He was just adorable! I went downstairs and heard my mom talking on the phone to my dad. She told him that I got a hamster. His response: "I'm gonna call you back." *click*. I was worried that he was gonna make me get rid of my little fluffy friend but he didn't. It took him a while to get used to him but soon my dad was amused when Wolf would run around in his hamster ball.

Back to my birdie! I told my parents that I could by a bird or THEY could buy me a dog (I've given up on cats because my mom had a traumatizing experience with her sister's cat when she was little.) and they actually started disscussing getting a dog!!! Then my dad said "We're not getting another dog." I wonder if he's realized the other end of that or maybe he just has selective hearing when I talk about birds... Well I've decided that I'm getting a bird do I'm gonna do JUST THAT!!!

Have you pre-ordered The Captive Curse? Well you should!! When you pre-order you get the special edition! it has a few extra fun things! In Shadow at the Water's Edge there were games on Nancy's phone and an extra award that you can win in the end! Order it NOW!!

Whales rule!

~Sarah =D


  1. When do you think we will get the game in the mail for pre~orders?

  2. I'm not actually sure what kind of shipping you can get so it's kind of hard to tell. I believe that they are shipping them on the 16th or some time around then so you should get it before it's out in stores. I haven't order it but I'm going to. Sorry I couldn't help more.
    -Sarah :)
