Tuesday, July 19, 2011

It's Been To Long...

Hello awesome people! It has been to long and that is all my fault. I wasn't real busy, I just didn't update. Sorry!

Well, I'm back now! and I finally have stuff to talk about!

I went and saw the LAST Harry Potter movie! It was freakin' AWESOME!!! I love Professor McGonagall in this one! my sister and I were like "Go awesome, old lady!!!" haha! It was funny when Voldemort was inviting people to come join him and Draco walked up and Voldemort hugged him! It was so WEIRD!! You could tell Draco was really uncomfortable, It was Hilarious! My sister was really nice and took me to see the movie and she wouldn't let me pay for snacks. She said, "No, this is your Harry Potter night. You don't have to pay." It was really nice cuz I love HP but she LOVES HP. See the difference? haha! You know how when you spell something wrong on your computer it puts a red line under it, right? My screen is covered with red from all of the names and stuff! haha!

Last night my friend came over and spent the night. We built an awesome fort! I'm actually in it right now! I'm gonna keep it up all week long! YAY!!! I got my friend hooked on the Harry Potter Puppet Pals videos last night. Have you guys seen those? They are hilarious! Just search them on YouTube!

I am so excited! My birthday is on Sunday! I'm turning 13! I can't wait! I'm having a sleepover party with 2 of my best friends on Friday and so I went to the Dollar Tree to get some decorations. I saw two of the funniest things EVER while I was there! So there were these 3 guys and they were like 15 or so and they were in front of us (my dad was with me) at the checkout counter. They bought like 5 things of Sunny D! One of them was saying "I just really want Sunny D." I was thinking 'Really? I hadn't noticed.' haha! I then saw one of the people who worked there come in and he had obviously just gotten back from a break or something. He had a Gatorade and was in front of us... dancing! It was so funny! I had to try hard to not burst out laughing! It was a funny day!

So I went to church on Saturday and I went to the Jr.High group. Instead of having our usual service there we went up to the High school group and they shared about their mission trip. The had just gotten back on Friday. They had gone to L.A. So, they told stories of some awesome stuff that happened. The coolest thing that happened, I think, was when they were collecting money for some organization (I don't know which one but I think it was to help the homeless.) and they got like $40. Doesn't seem like a lot, right? Apparently God thought it wasn't enough. They went to meet with someone from the organization and the guy counted the money and said, "Wow, $110." They were shocked and asked him if that was really how much there was and he said yeah. It was like when Jesus made the bread multiply so it could feed all of the people. It was just so cool.

I have a friend that's going on a mission trip to Ireland. She's leaving on Friday. We would all (my family and her family) would greatly appreciate if you could pray for her! We want her to have a safe trip and we hope that she has an awesome, fun time! Thank you so much!

~Sarah =D

Friday, July 1, 2011

Camping and Two Lumps!

Hi! I know I don't post a whole bunch but there definitely won't be anything this weekend because I'm going camping! Going what? CAMPING!!! WOOT WOOT!!! We're going up to Sylvan Lake! It is so pretty there and we bring a hummingbird feeder and they actually come! It's so cool! It's really hard to get a picture of a hummingbird, REALLY hard to get a good one... That should totally be one of my life goals!

Life Goals:
Finish a book
Get a good picture of a hummingbird!

Do you guys like comics? Well, I do! I've read the classics like Garfield, Blondie, all that other stuff in the Sunday paper. They really aren't all that funny... For years my favorite has been Calvin and Hobbs. I love that comic and read it all the time! I'll have to post the story of how my bro accidentally gave me those books... I'll do that another time. So my bro showed me this awesome new online (and in print!) comic! Two Lumps: The Adventures of Eben and Snooch. It's about these two cats! Have you ever seen Pinky and the Brain? It's kind of like that but SO much better! For the first part, it's cats not rats! Cats are better and you know it. Snooch is the fat, dumb cat, who loves to eat! (and drink... yeah those New Year's comic strips are crazy!) Eben is the slim(ish), smart cat. It's a great comic! It's kind of a sad time though because the two cats that the comic is based off of, Raistlin and Caramon, died. At least they're together and died purring.

R.I.P. Raistlin and Caramon and may all the Heavenly gooshyfood be yours!

~Sarah :)