Sunday, February 26, 2012

Hi everyone!!! Sorry about not posting for the past few days. So much awesome stuff has happened so I decided that no matter what else I have going on I just had to post today! First, last night I went to the Father Daughter Dinner Dance that we go to every year. My sister and I switch off each year and this time it was my turn! It was sooooooo much fun!!!! It started as a very formal Dinner but by the end of the night my dad, a couple of our friends, and I were dancing like a bunch of crazy people with balloon hats!!! It was awesome! =D

HerInteractive has been doing some small contests lately. They post pictures of their employees and we get to caption them and whoever comes up with the best caption wins!!! There's always some fun little prize. This time it's an iPhone case. There's something else if you don't have and iPhone but they haven't told us what that is yet. I hope I win this one! I think I came up with a good one! =D

Are any of you trying to play all of the games before the new one comes out? A lot of Nancy Drew fans are and I'm one of them! I think HerInteractive should give like half off the new game when it comes out to everyone who does it. I started on Monday and I'm already on Ghost Dogs! I had to skip Treasure in a Royal Tower cuz I don't know where that game disappeared to. I asked my sister cuz she thinks it's in her room but she hasn't had a chance to look yet. I did play Secrets Can Kill Original and Remastered so I've played 7 out of 26 so far!!! There really are 26 games out already but it only seems like 25 cuz of SCKR. I prefer the original one. I wasn't a big fan of the art work in that one.

And now for something random!!! POKEMON THEME SONG!!!!!! I have my iPod on shuffle while I'm writing this and that came on. It's like one of my favorite songs so I just had to incorporate that some how! Haha! =D

This post is really long so I think I'll keep the next chapter for the next post! Teehee!  Oh! My brother got a new car! ... yes random but since I'm sharing excting news! It's awesome! I think it's like a Sonata or something like that...

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