Sunday, May 29, 2011

Loulou, why can't I have you?

I am sooo excited because it's almost June!!!! YAY for The Captive Curse!! I'm also really sad though.

My hamster, Wolf, died a few weeks ago and I was (and still am) so sad. I cried in my room for an hour and then we buried him in our backyard. I loved him so much. I have really been wanting another pet since then. We have an adorable miniature australian shepherd named Scout but he is my dad's dog and I want a pet of my own. I asked if I could have a cat. No. I asked if I could have a dog. No. I asked if I could have a bird. No. (I love horses but I don't really want one...) I really want a green parakeet. I would name her Loulou. I could teach her to talk and sing. She would make me happy.

That's enough about my problems. I hope you all have wonderful, adorable pets that make you happy.

R.I.P. Wolf.


1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry to hear that Wolf passed away. I can really identify with how you must feel. My profile pic on FB is my little Deacon that passed away a couple of years ago. I still miss him and probably always will. I've got a pet goldfish now named Heureux that I adore. Just seeing him everyday makes me happy. I hope you get the green parakeet that you're wanting... and I think Loulou would be an awesome name! Sending happy thoughts your way!
